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Blogs: #52 of 91

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When the vino has lost its taste... When, the rage as dissolved into apathy...

When everyone wears the same mask...

When you can no longer see the dying flicker of pinpoint light at the end...

When the temple has beome just another stone-cold box...

When the godseyes have all lost their glory...

When there's no place left to hide.... no refuge...

Just drifting out into the void has vastly more appeal than being here, back there, over there, everywhere, and anywhere.

When you just want to be "Away"....

© 2010 Skip Hunt

"Sinking Stone" ~ I don't remember the act of taking this photo, which means I was probably nearing the bottom of a Guatemalan Gallo liter. By the photos taken before and after this one, I know I shot it at lake Atitlan, Guatemala.